April 16, 2024

Congressman Jamaal Bowman Statement On Warmongering House Republican Legislation

For Immediate Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16) released the following statement in response to the House Republican floor votes on resolutions following the Iranian military attack on Israel and preceding Israeli military assault on an Iranian consulate:

“The escalating violence in the region is dangerous and has the potential to become a full scale war. Our top priority should be de-escalating the ongoing conflict and preventing a regional war, not engaging in reckless political theater that will escalate violence, undermine the President’s use of flexibilities in sanctions to conduct diplomacy, and seek to target humanitarian aid and peace advocacy efforts around the world. That is why I’m opposing a series of bills that have been rushed to the floor by Republican warmongers in Congress. Instead, we must move forward and engage with solutions that center peace and our shared humanity.”
